"TIME BOMBS" IN OUR SCHOOLS - continued On September 26, 1988, 19-year-old James Wilson went on a shooting rampage at the Greenwood elementary school in South Carolina. Two children were killed and seven other children and two teachers were wounded. Greenwood psychiatrist, Willie Moseley, had treated Wilson. Since the age of 14, he had been prescribed at least seven different psychiatric drugs, mainly tranquilizers. He was withdrawing from a tranquilizer at the time of the shooting spree.68 On May 20, 1999, T.J. Soloman, a 15-year-old at Heritage High School in Georgia, opened fire on and wounded six classmates. He was being treated with a stimulant at the time. While on vacation in Las Vegas on May 25, 1997, 18-year-old Jeremy Strohmeyer raped and murdered a 7-year-old girl in the ladies rest room in a casino. He had been prescribed an amphetamine and started taking it a week before the killing.69 Dangerous Drug Effects Not Limited to Children: On May 25, 2001, an Australian judge blamed a psychiatric antidepressant for turning a peaceful, law-abiding man, David Hawkins, into a violent killer. Judge Barry O'Keefe from the New South Wales Supreme Court said that had Mr. Hawkins not taken the drug, "it is overwhelmingly probable that Mrs. Hawkins would not have been killed
." In June, 2001, $8 million was awarded by a Wyoming, U.S. jury to the relatives of a man, Donald Schell, who went on a shooting rampage after taking an antidepressant, killing his wife, daughter and 9-month-old granddaughter, before turning a gun on himself. The jury determined that the drug was 80% responsible for inducing the killing spree. Two days later, eight Japanese children were stabbed to death and 15 others more injured in a frenzied knife attack by a man prescribed psychiatric drugs, which included the same antidepressant that Schell had taken.70 While the psychiatrist continues to "sell" us on all the wrong reasons—everything from mental illness, poverty and broken families, to genetic makeup, none of which they can prove or cure-the fact missed by most is that psychiatric treatments, especially drugs, can cause violence. But there is more. A 2000 Swedish study regarding 47 juvenile delinquents found that 40% were acute abusers of a tranquilizer known as the "fear reducer," a drug that enabled them to commit extremely violent crimes without regret. "Abusers showed no guilt about their violent offenses (When I stabbed him, it felt like putting a knife into butter)," states the report. "I didn't feel any emotion when I stabbed him five times," one teenager reported.71 As Cockburn summed up, "Land mines now litter the terrain of our society, waiting to explode."72 It is hardly ironic then that in Afghanistan, where Osama Bin Laden and his psychiatrist aide, Dr. al-Zawahiri reside, the main drug problem is tranquilizer addiction. The International Narcotics Control Board report for the year 2000 also reports that in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey, benzodiazepines (tranquilizers) are often abused with heroin and opium.73 The main drug is the "fear reducer" referenced in the above Swedish report.