"If this is a consistent pattern throughout the [armed] services, then we've got a problem of American society or a problem with the way we are recruiting." Col. David Johnson Command Surgeon for The U.S. Military, 1999 | In the June, 1999 Washington Times' Insight magazine, an article entitled "Guns & Doses" stated, "Though shocked by bizarre shootings in schools, few Americans have noticed how many shooters were among the six million kids now on psychotropic drugs."74 In one tragic case, Eric Harris, who went on a shooting spree at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, USA, had been taking an antidepressant with side effects that include mania, irritability, aggression, and hostility. Mania can produce "bizarre, grandiose, highly elaborate destructive plans, including mass murder...."75 National columnist Arianna Huffington points out that while the government laments children's "easy access to guns in a culture where they've been exposed to lots and lots and lots of violence," they ignore the "phenomenal increase in prescriptions of
antidepressants written for children."76 But in the light of the recent terrorist attacks on America, consider also that psychiatric drugs prevent children from later serving in our military. In 1998, the U.S. military discharged more than 3,100 recruits with psychiatric histories, either in boot camp or within the first six months of enlistment. Documented cases of discharges ranged from recruits with lengthy psychiatric treatment, to those who had been diagnosed with "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" (ADHD). The drugs prescribed for "ADHD" are amphetamine-like. Other drugs prescribed children include tranquilizers and, even, barbiturates. Few parents are warned that this fabricated diagnosis, and the customary subsequent prescription of dangerous, potentially addictive drugs, would disqualify their children from joining the armed forces to protect their country.