1 Charles N. Kahn III, President, Health Insurance
Association of America, Testimony before the Subcommittee
on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources House
Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives,
Oct. 21, 1999.
2 �Employers Face Rising Health Premiums,� The
Business Journal, Jan. 1, 1999.
3 National Association of Health Underwriters,
�NAHU Position Statement on Federal Health Benefit Mandates,�
website, 2001.
4 Christopher Oster, �Insurance Rates Rocket
Across Industries, But Unlike Airlines, Help May Not Come,�
The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 8, 2001.
5 David Fletcher, �Counseling does more harm
than good,� The Daily Telegraph (UK), Sept. 27, 1997.
6 Richard E. Vatz, �Blanket Mental Health Coverage�Crazy,�
The Wall Street Journal, Apr. 14, 1993.
7 Congressional Budget Office Cost Estimate -
S.543 Mental Health Equitable Treatment Act, Aug. 22, 2001,
p. 1; �Critics Claim Mental Health Parity Has Limited Effect,�
National Center for Policy Analysis website, 2001.
8 Congressional Budget Office Cost Estimate -
S.543 Mental Health Equitable Treatment Act, Aug. 22, 2001,
p. 1.
9 Ibid.
10 Joseph Glenmullen, M.D., Prozac Backlash,
(Simon & Schuster, NY, 2000), p. 194.
11 Michael D. Tanner, �Writing a Blank Check
for Mental Health,� reprinted by The Heartland Institute,
Oct., 1996.
12 W. Scott Bailey, �Supporters, Critics Rattle
Sabers Over Mental-Health Parity Bill,� San Antonio Business
Journal, Aug. 31, 2001.
13 Mark Schiller, M.D., �California�s Mental
Health Parity Insanity,� Policy Issue, No. 30, Oct.
1, 1999.
14 Mental Health Equitable Treatment Act of 2001—Senator
Domenici�s statement upon introduction.
15 �Critics Claim Mental Health Parity Has Limited
Effect,� National Center for Policy Analysis website, 2001.
16 Op. cit., Congressional Budget Office
Cost Estimate.
17 National Association of Health Underwriters,
�NAHU Position Statement on Federal Health Benefit Mandates,�
website, 2001.
18 Op. cit., Mark Schiller, M.D.
19 Charles N. Kahn III, President, Health Insurance
Association of America, Testimony before the Subcommittee
on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources House
Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives,
Oct. 21, 1999.
20 Robert J. Franciosi, �The Cost of Mental Health
Parity in Oklahoma,� Research Fellow, The Goldwater Institute.
21 �Health Benefits Mandates: Cost Analysis for
Wisconsin Health Benefit Mandate,� Wisconsin Association of
Health Plans website, accessed Oct. 2001.
22 Op. cit., Charles N. Kahn III.
23 Op. cit., Mark Schiller, M.D.
24 Ibid.
25 Op. cit., Robert J. Franciosi.
26 Ibid.
27 �Issues in Mental Health Care Benefits: The
Costs of Mental Health Parity,� Employee Benefit Research
Institute, Issue Brief, Feb. 1997, p. 4.
28 Op. cit., Robert J. Franciosi.
29 Barbara Martinez, et. al., �Far from Site,
Employees Seek Emotional Help,� The Wall Street Journal,
Oct. 5, 2001.
30 Op. cit., Charles N. Kahn III.
31 Op. cit., Mark Schiller, M.D.
32 �Texas Largest Spender For Mental Health Drugs,�
The Dallas Morning News, Feb. 9, 2001.
33 �The Oregon Health Plan,� New England Journal
of Medicine, Aug. 28, 1997.
34 David Kravets, �Panels to study mental-illness
drugs,� Statesman Journal, 29 Apr., 1998.
35 Josh Feit, �Let them eat Prozac: How the Drug
Lobby Stopped the Oregon Health Plan�s Effort to Protect Lives
and Save Money,� WW News, Feb. 25, 1998.
36 Barbara Martinez, �Far from Site, Employees
Seek Emotional Help,� The Wall Street Journal, Oct.
5, 2001.
37 Julie Appelby, �Health insurance prices to
soar,� USA Today, Aug. 27, 2001.
38 Federal Document Clearing House transcript
of the hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor
& Pensions Committee, Sept. 26, 2001.
39 �New York Rushes To Spend Grants For Counseling,�
The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 5, 2001.
40 �Columbine Gifts Estimated At $9 Million Or
More,� Associated Press Wire, Apr. 19, 2000.
41 Jane E. Allen, �Post-Crisis Therapy: Is it
For Everyone?�But Many People Do Better Sorting Things Out
for Themselves,� Los Angeles Times, Aug. 23, 1999.
42 Sally Satel, M.D. and Christina Hoff Sommers,
�Good Grief: Don�t Get Taken by the Trauma Industry,� The
Wall Street Journal, Oct. 15, 2001.
43 Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
Hearing on �Psychological Trauma and Terrorism,� Capitol Hearing
Testimony, Federal Document Clearing House, Sept. 26, 2001.
44 Jim Dryden, �High rate of mental disorders
found in Oklahoma City Survivors,� Washington University in
St. Louis (Missouri) at URL: http://wupa.wustl.edu/record/archive/1999/09-02-99/articles/oklahoma.html.
45 Sally Satel, M.D. and Christina Hoff Sommers,
�Good Grief: Don�t Get Taken by the Trauma Industry,� The
Wall Street Journal, Oct. 15, 2001.
46 Testimony by Dr. Rex William Cowdry, Acting
Director of the National Institute of Mental Health before
a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of
Representatives, 104th Congress, First Session, �Part 4, National
Institutes of Health,� section on the National Institute of
Mental Health, Washington, D.C., Mar. 22, 1995, p. 1205.
47 Lars Boegeskov, �Mentally Ill Have to Have
Help�Not to be Cured,� Politiken, 19 Sept., 1994.
48 David Fletcher, �Counseling does more harm
than good,� The Daily Telegraph (UK), Sept. 27, 1997.
49 �Doubts Grow Over Trauma Therapy; Victims
Not Helped By Reliving Horror Of Accidents, Research Shows,�
The Independent (London, UK), Oct. 21, 1996.
50 �Long-Term Psychological Effects of Airplane
Crash Survival,� American Psychological Association News
Release, Aug. 20, 1999.
51 Justin Kenardy, Professor of Psychology, �The
current status of psychological debriefing - It may do more
harm than good,� British Medical Journal, 2000, 321:1032-1033,
Oct. 28, 2000.
52 Kevin B. O�Reilly, �Mental health parity:
simple, fairness, or recipe for disaster?� Journalism
website, Aug. 4, 1999, modified June 15, 2001.
53 Stuart A. Kirk and Herb Kutchins �The Myth
of the Reliability of DSM,� published in The Journal of
Mind and Behavior, Vol. 15, No. 1 & 2 (Spring 1994), pp.
54 Stuart A. Kirk and Herb Kutchins, Making
Us Crazy, DSM: The Psychiatric Bible and the Creation of Mental
Disorders, (The Free Press, New York, 1997), p. 50.
55 ��Doozey� Diagnostic Data,� URL website http://scholefieldhouse.com/mv/PsychIndustry/doozeydiagnoses.htm.
56 Op. cit., Robert J. Franciosi.
57 Op. cit., Joseph Glenmullen, M.D.,
pp. 193-199.
58 Margaret A. Hagen, Ph.D., Whores of the
Court, The Fraud of Psychiatric Testimony and the Rape of
American Justice (New York: Harper Collins Publishers,
Inc., 1997), p. 20.
59 Richard E. Vatz, �Misleading Report Overstates
Prevalence of Mental Illness,� www.etc.org, Jan. 30, 2000.
60 John Horgan, The Undiscovered Mind,
(The Free Press, NY, 1999), p. 22.
61 Ibid., p. 37.
62 Elliot S. Valenstein, Ph.D., Blaming the
Brain (The Free Press, New York, 1998), p. 3.
63 Ibid., p. 4.
64 Ibid.
65 Ibid.
66 Bruce Wiseman, Psychiatry: The Ultimate
Betrayal (Freedom Publishers, Los Angeles, 1995), p. 204,
Interview with Ron Leifer, Jan., 1994.
67 Op. cit., Margaret Hagen, Ph.D.
68 David Kaiser, M.D., �Commentary: Against Biologic
Psychiatry,� Psychiatric Times, Dec., 1996, http://www.mhsource.com/edu/psytimes/p961242.html.
(accessed: Dec. 8, 1997).
69Jeffrey A. Schaler, The Philadelphia Inquirer,
Aug. 22, 1998.
70 Dr. Mary Ann Block, No More ADHD, (Block
Books, Texas, 2001), p. 35.
71 Kevin B. O�Reilly, �Mental health parity:
simple, fairness, or recipe for disaster?�, Journalism
website, Aug. 4, 1999, modified June 15, 2001 (citing NIMH).
72 Op. cit., Robert J. Franciosi.
73 Op. cit., Kevin B. O�Reilly.
74 �Fraud alert on U.S. terror attack claims,�
Informa Publishing Group, Oct. 4, 2001.
75 �OIG Says Billing and Payments for Mental
Health Services Riddled With Errors,� Gale Group, Inc., July
1, 2001.
76 Elliot S. Valenstein, Ph.D., Blaming the
Brain, (The Free Press, New York, 1998), p. 176-177.
77 Ibid., p. 125.
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