makes and creates mental illness is the very system designed
to help it."
Yvonne McEwan
University, Scotland
health advisors have predicted that as many as 30% of people affected
by the recent attacks will develop post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD).40 Is this just more rattling of the mental health
money tin?
emerged in the aftermath of the Vietnam War when veterans were having
difficulties overcoming the brutal events they had participated
in and, unlike previous wars, returned home not to the glory of
marching bands and public cheers, but to criticism and official
cover-up of the Vietnam horrors.41
all wars, soldiers have suffered emotional and spiritual trauma,
quite aside from physical injuries. Uncontrollable fear often rendered
soldiers unfit to fight. This has been known variously as nostalgia
(Civil War), shell shock (WWI), battle fatigue (WWII), brainwashing
(Korean War), post-traumatic stress disorder (Vietnam War) and Gulf-War
syndrome (Gulf War).42
Herb Kutchins and Stuart A. Kirk, authors of Making Us Crazy,
tell us that most of the soldiers suffered the effects of participating
in "atrocities, seeing grotesquely mutilated bodies, or going
on particularly dangerous missions." Those who suffered the
mental effects of this were experiencing battle fatigue, or in other
words, exhaustion. But as Kutchins and Kirk state, "
psychiatrists, far from identifying battle fatigue as early warning,
were involved in the exact opposite strategy; namely, minimizing
the seriousness of the complaints and pushing soldiers back into
combat as quickly as possible."43
American psychiatrists, Robert Jay Lifton, Chaim Shatan and John
Talbott (later to become a president of the American Psychiatric
Association [APA]), coined the term post-traumatic stress disorder
and lobbied for its inclusion in the 1980 edition of the APA's "billing
bible," The Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
PTSD has become "stretched and blurred," says Tana Dineen,
Ph.D., author of Manufacturing Victims.45 It can
be applied to "psychiatrists in training, those exposed to
toxic substances, potential aids patients, and those who have survived
a heart attack
the application of PTSD has resulted in everything
being pathologized until the only way to be is to be 'abnormal,'"
she says.46
and Kutchins state, "PTSD has become a catchall category used
to identify an increasingly wide pool of problems that originate
in traumatic life events and are not attributable to preexisting
psychiatrists and psychologists have used PTSD as a defense for
sexually abusing their patients and committing health care fraud.
Ottawa, Canadian
psychiatrist Gerasimos Kambites had his license suspended for
six months in 2000 for inappropriate sexual relations with two
female patients. In 1999 he had been reprimanded and ordered to
pay a $5,000 fine, after pleading guilty to defrauding the government
insurance company of $14,048. Kambites claimed his actions related
to PTSD brought on by having been imprisoned, tortured and expelled
from Uganda in 1988, even though he'd been well enough to later
go on and get his qualifications as a psychiatrist in 1993.48
the DSM is commonly considered a checklist of behaviors and
symptoms, which is not founded in medicine or science. Indeed, according
to an international poll of mental health experts conducted in England
in 2001, the DSM-IV (fourth edition) was voted one of the
10 worst psychiatric papers of the millennium. It was criticized
for reducing psychiatry to a checklist. "If you are not in
the DSM-IV, you are not ill. It has become a monster, out
of control."
the third revision of DSM in 1987, there were 11 changes
made to the definition of PTSD, a further 15 changes in the fourth
edition in 1994.49
the DSM-IV today, there are 175 combinations of symptoms
by which PTSD can be diagnosed.50 The manual claims that
the diagnosis of PTSD "can only be made four or more weeks
after the initial trauma." Another disorder, "Acute Stress
Disorder," was adopted to describe the first four weeks following
a traumatic event.51 Yet hardly, a week had gone by following
the terrorist attacks on America before we began hearing psychiatry's
PTSD pitch.
and Kirk summarize PTSD: It "has become the label for identifying
the impact of adverse events on ordinary people. This means that
normal responses to catastrophic events have often been interpreted
as mental disorders."52
APA and its minions will not even acknowledge that they are creating
public policy. As they explain it, they are simply making diagnoses
(and in the process making many more of us crazy)," they state.53
Dineen sums up psychological grief counseling for trauma or PTSD
this way: "While trauma counseling may sound wholesome and
benevolent, most people are probably better off finding their own
ways of coping, be it prayer, love of family or a strong-willed
refusal to be a victim. In fact, it's quite likely that some of
the very people these counselors are trying to help actually learn
to view themselves as long-term victims of psychological trauma."54
a more complete account of the mental health industry's long history
of failures and abuses, see Psychiatry: A Human Rights Abuse
and Global Failure at http://www.cchr.org.
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