treatments used for "trauma" have always been extreme.
From electroshock in the Second World War to the mind-altering,
emotion-numbing drugs of today, all have harmed in the name
of "help."
In the Civil War, opium was used to get soldiers, paralyzed with
depression and hysteria, to sleep. One doctor went on to use it
in his New York practice, addicting his patients in the process.55
During World Wars II and I when German soldiers complained of battle
fatigue or neurosis from a fear of attack (shell shock), psychiatrists
found a way of overriding their fears. They overwhelmed the individual
with painful electric shock while simultaneously giving them hypnotic
developer of this practice was Fritz Kaufmann, a neurological and
medical officer with the German army during World War I. He summarized
his procedure as follows: "Our process is made up of four components:
Preparing the patient with pre-shock suggestions.
The application of a strong alternating current combined with plentiful
verbal suggestions.
Suggestions in the form of military-style commands.
The strict enforcement that they must be healed in one session."56
Leo T. Alexander, who with the U.S. Army Medical Corps during World
War II, wrote a paper entitled, "Neuropathology and Neurophysiology,
Including Electro-Encephalography, in Wartime Germany," stating,
"...[R]egarding neurosis problems, Dr. Jahnel [a psychiatrist
from the Kaiser Wilhelm Research Institute in Germany] feels that
in the First World War one had confronted this problem in a helpless
manner. He feels this problem has now been solved by means of suggestive
treatment with the aide of painful electric currents, as well as
by the policy of not letting the patients attain the goals which
the illness served. In the last war, the patients definitely felt
that they could attain things by their illness, while in this war
they could not."57
electric shock box was developed for use on German soldiers near
the front. With this instrument, it was not uncommon for soldiers
to be killed not by the war, but by their attending psychiatrists.
Dr. Emil Gelny, a psychiatrist and a member of the Nazi party since
1933, founded a procedure known as "electro-executions,"
described as follows: "Once a patient went unconscious from
the effects of electricity, the caretakers then had to attach four
electrodes to the hands and feet of the patient. Dr. Gelny ran high
voltage through them and after ten minutes at the most the death
of the patient would set in."58
the very beginning, electroshock was a method of discipline and
a means to cover up embarrassing breaches in the nobility and honor
demanded of German military service.
Sleep Treatment or Modified Narcosis:
This involved knocking the individual unconscious for a period of
days or weeks, using massive doses of psychiatric drugs, usually
sedatives and/or barbiturates. Sometimes, daily electroshock treatment
accompanied it. In the 1920s, it had a 4.8% mortality rate. During
WWII narcosis was employed on a large scale for acute battle neuroses.59
The treatment carries with it grave risks, including pneumonia,
blood clotting, cardio-respiratory problems and brain damage.
American Handbook of Psychiatry states that the results of the
therapy were unpredictable, at best empirical, and the procedure
was not without risks.60
Australia, deep sleep treatment was banned in 1983 because of its
high death rate; in one private psychiatric hospital, 48 patients
were killed as a result of the procedure. Manslaughter charges were
eventually laid against several of the psychiatrists who administered
"Giving psychoactive drugs to people with PTSD can compound
their difficulties with concentration and focusing attention,"
wrote one Maryland psychiatrist.
also recommend sleeping tablets, better known as sedatives or tranquilizers
(benzodiazepines). These can be addictive after 14 days of taking
them. Psychiatrist Sydney Walker III, stated, "If stress is
normal and benzodiazepines are dangerous, and if benzodiazepines
don't 'treat' stress anyway, then why do psychiatrists and other
doctors continue to prescribe these drugs for stress?"61
Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), which are currently being
prescribed for PTSD can cause headaches, nausea, anxiety and agitation,
insomnia and bizarre dreams, loss of appetite, impotence, confusion
and akathisia. It is estimated that between 10 and 25% of SSRI users
experience akathisia, often in conjunction with suicidal thoughts,
hostility and violent behavior.
course we are all suffering from this terrorist ordeal, but the
public should realize that by labeling our perfectly normal reactions
as PTSD psychiatry declares we are mentally ill. And once applied
to an individual, that label sticks.
may be suffering, but we are not mentally ill; this is not a time
for us to be "fogging" out on psychiatry's dangerous,
mind-altering drugs. In fact, quite the reverse, we need our wits
about us during our national and individual recovery efforts.
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