consent comes in here. You have to tell your employees that
you are making a therapy available that, based on the best
information in the scientific literature, will likely do nothing
to help and might actually make matters worse do you
still want it?"
Richard McNally
of Psychology
most psychologists and psychiatrists continue to subscribe to the
idea that they are scientific practitioners, dealing with many certainties,
there is growing dissent from within the ranks that attests to the
example, while millions of dollars have been spent to train "disaster
workers" in psychological counseling, how effective is it?
Consider the following reports.
"Instead of
talking about 'tragedy,' we now talk about 'trauma,'" says
Tana Dineen, Ph.D., author of Manufacturing Victims: What the
Psychology Industry is Doing to People. "Under the guise
of science, [psychology] pretends there are typical ways that
people react to tragic or violent situations and some formula
or standard for handling them. The message is: If you don't deal
with this the 'right' way, you will get sick from it."7
Similarly, Professor
Yvonne McEwan from Fife University, Scotland, who advised the
U.S. government after the Oklahoma bombing, said that psychological
trauma counseling at best is useless and at worst highly destructive
to victims seeking help. "Ethically bankrupt" is one
way she describes it.8 "By medicalizing what is
a non-medical condition and introducing a therapy subject matter
that is vastly under-researched, over-used and vastly abused,
medicine is propping up a lot of dwindling careers," she
In 1998, the British
Psychological Society said that "psychological debriefing"
for "trauma" may harm rather than heal and that three
quarters of those experiencing "trauma" recover spontaneously
within four to six weeks.10
In 1999, a San
Diego psychologist, Dr. Michael Mantell, reports that following
the Columbine High School shootings, "the kids were not talking
to counselors. They were talking to religious leaders and among
themselves. There were a lot more counselors there than counseling
going on."11
A 1996 psychiatric
study conducted on 110 burn victims revealed that those who received
psychiatric trauma counseling were three times more likely to
suffer long-term problems. Lead researcher, Dr. Jonathan Bisson,
said: "
those that received the debriefings fared worse
than those who received nothing at all. It is possible that the
debriefing actually contributes to the patient getting PTSD."12
A follow up study
by Doctors Richard Mayou and Mike Hobbs at Warnford psychiatric
hospital, Oxford, England, established that "There's a bandwagon
assumption that debriefing is a good thing. The reality is that
in our study it did not reduce or prevent PTSD."13
An Editorial in
the October, 2000, British Medical Journal noted several
studies showing that Debriefing Psychology methods don't help
and, in fact, may harm. Justin Kenardy, an associate professor
in clinical psychology cited studies that questioned the validity
and workability of psychological trauma counseling.14
while the psychiatric lobby claims that research has demonstrated
that so-called post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) are eminently
treatable with medications and psychotherapy, many disagree.
to psychiatrist Dr. Sydney Walker, III, author of A Dose of Sanity,
"We've been led to assume, by the psychiatric 'crisis teams'
sent almost immediately to any disaster scene, that people suffer
severe psychic wounds from experiencing such traumasor even
from being in the general vicinity when they occur. DSM-IV
(Diagnostic & Statistical Manual for Mental Illness, Edition
IV) categorizes the symptoms most survivors experience following
a disaster as 'acute stress disorder,' suggesting that they are
pathological and require treatment. But are these people really
suffering from a 'disorder' requiring psychotherapy and the use
of potentially addictive medications? Are they really at great risk
of suffering long-term consequences from their trauma? The answers,
surprisingly, are 'No,' and 'No.'
fact, some reported that the incidence of mental hospital admissions,
crime, and marital discord tended to drop slightly after a natural
disaster. This research raises questions as to whether the hordes
of psychiatrists and psychologists who descend on flood- or earthquake-ravaged
towns do good, or simply add to the residents' problems by labeling
them as victims. And it raises more serious questions about the
practice of prescribing drugs to normal individuals suffering from
time-limited symptoms of anxiety following a disaster."15
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