1Cutting Through the Global Drug Network," Sinorama, Vol. 21, No. 4, April 1996!

Richard Hughs & Robert Brewin, The Tranquilizing of America, (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1979), p. 302.

3Gordon Thomas, Journey Into Madness, (Corgi Book, London, 1989), p. 27

4Erica Goode, "A Day of Terror: The Psychology," The New York Times, 12 Sept. 2001.

5 ABC News, Sep 25, 2000, ‘We Will Free Our Brothers’ by John Cooley; The Ottawa Citizen Sep 22, 2001, "Iraq funded attacks: Israeli intelligence ."

6Vernon Loeb, "As U.S. Targets Bin Laden, 2 Top Aides Also Draw Security," Washington Post, 3 July 2000.

7Yossef Bodansky, "U.S. Trade: Mubarak for S-FOR Safety",, Jan. 1998.

8Op cit., Hoag Levins et al. W

9"International Hunt under Way for Bin-Laden Deputy,", 25 Sept., 2001.

12"Scientists allegedly led attack," The Japan Times, 18 May, 1995.

13David E. Kaplan, Andrew Marshall, The Cult at the End of the World, (Crown Publishers, New York, 1996), pp. 123-124,

14Asahi newspaper, 17 Feb. 1886 (translation)

15Stuart Yudoksky, MD, et al, What You Need To Know About Psychiatric Drugs, (Grove Weidenfeld, New York, 1991), p. 165.

16Yomouri newspaper, 2 Feb. 1996. (translation)

17Op cit. Gordon Thomas, p. 323.

18Carl Staten, "Carlos Captured; Revolutionary Terrorist," Emergency Net News, 10 Oct. 1994.

19"The Soviet Strategy of Terror," The Heritage Foundation Reports, Chapter 2, "The Infrastructure of Terrorism," 1985.

20Op. cit, Gordon Thomas,, p. 35

21Op cit., Gordon Thomas, p. 28

22Op cit., Gordon Thomas, p. 67.

23Op. cit, Gordon Thomas, pp. 9, 13, 32, 20, 22, 24, 25, 47.

24Op cit., Gordon Thomas, p. 351

25"Who did it? Foreign Report presents an alternative view," Jane's Security, 19 Sept., 2001.

26Ron Rosenbaum, "Explaining Hitler," The New Yorker, vol. 71, no. 10, 1 May 1995, pp. 54-55.

27Alston Chase, "Harvard and the Making of the Unibomber," The Atlantic Online, June 2000.

28Michael Mello, The United States of America Versus Theodore John Kaczyknski," (Context Books, New York, 1999), p. 151

29Alston Chase, "Harvard and the Making of the Unibomber," The Atlantic Online, June 2000.

30Op cit., Gordon Thomas, pp. 320.

31Rise in Senseless Violence book, p. 8, citing "Hinkley backs gun control," USA Today, 8 Aug., 1989.

32Martin McLaughlin, "Fort Worth, Texas gunman linked to fascist group," World Socialist Website, 22 Sept., 1999.

33"Shooting Spree Motive Vague: Suspect Kills Self,", 5 July, 1999.

34Martin McLaughlin, "Fort Worth, Texas gunman linked to fascist group," World Socialist Website, 22 Sept., 1999; Vivienne Walt, "He doesn't care if he dies," 12 Aug., 1999, Salon News website.

35Sally Satel, "Badness or Madness?" Ethics and Public Policy Center, 15 Aug., 1999.

36Mike Crissey, "Parents of Pa. Man sentenced to death in shooting spree say jury ignored mental illness," Associated Press Wire, 1 Apr. 2001; Joe Mandal, "Baumhammers trial to be a battle of experts," Associated Press State & Local Wire, 26 Apr. 2001; Jeffrey Bair, "Immigration attorney found guilty of killing five people in shooting spree," Associated Press Wirre, 9 May 2001.

37Stephen Jones, Others Unknown: The Oklahoma City Bombing Case and Conspiracy, (Public Affairs, New York, 1998), p. xi.

38Ibid, p. xii.

39OPNAV INSTRUCTION 3434.1, PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS, Department of the Navy, 22 Dec. 1997.

40"Terrorists Aren't Psychopaths but Use Psychological Strategy for Change," The Times of India, 15 Sept, 2001.

41"Defense Psychiatrist Tells Jury of Embassy Bomber's Remorse," Reality Ausetkmt, 2 July 2001.

42Op cit., Gordon Thomas, p. 52.

43Op cit., Gordon Thomas, p. 53.

44Jerrold M. Post, M.D., "Explaining Saddam," Frontline, 1999.

45Op cit., Gordon Thomas, p. 59.

46Op cit., Gordon Thomas, p. 63-64.

47Religion booklet, p.38, cite 78.

48"Brain-Washing: A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics," re-printed by Charles Stickley, New York City, 1955, p. 9.

49Op cit. Brain-Washing Manual, p. 31.

50Op cit. Brain-Washing Manual, p. 44.

51 "The Soviet Strategy of Terror," The Heritage Foundation Reports, Chapter 2, "The Infrastructure of Terrorism," 1985.

52Op cit., Gordon Thomas, p. 355

53Issues in Human Relations Training, ed.'s Irving R. Weschler and Edgar H. Schein (Washington: National Training Laboratories, National Education Association, 1962), Selected Reading Series Five, p. 47, 49-51, 53.

54Suzanne Clark, Blackboard Blackmail (Memphis, Tenn.: Footstool Publications, 1988), p. 139.

55Op cit., Gordon Thomas, pp. 345, 346.

56"The Ideology of Hate," Anti Defamation League, 2000.

57"Scathing Kosovo report unveiled…" The Guardian (London), December 6, 1999.
Joseph Brewda, "Nazi psychiatrists behind Serbia;s reign of terror," EIR, 12 Feb., 1993, p. 27.

58Joseph Brewda, �Nazi psychiatrists behind Serbia;s reign of terror,� EIR, 12 Feb., 1993, p. 27.

59"Human Suffering and degradation following ethnic cleansing," Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Doc 8493 rev. 1 Sept., 1999.

60Yossef Bodansky, "U.S. Trade: Mubarak for S-FOR Safety",", Jan. 1998.

61Alexander Cockburn, "We're Reaping the Tragic Legacy from Drugs…," Los Angeles Times, 6 July 1999.

62Vivienne Walt, "Trained to Kill, and Growing in Number," The Washington Post, 28 Feb.,1999.

63"Children at Both ends of the Gun," UNICEF website, accessed 21 Sept. 2001.
Tina Susman, "Former Child Soldiers Find Little Help," NY Newsday, 23 Oct. 1999.
"Indoctrination," Radio Netherlands website, 2000.

64Tina Susman, �Former Child Soldiers Find Little Help,� NY Newsday, 23 Oct. 1999.

65�Indoctrination,� Radio Netherlands website, 2000.

66Douglas Farah, "Children Forced to Kill," The Washington Post, 8 April 2000.
Alexander Cockburn, "We're Reaping the Tragic Legacy from Drugs…," Los Angeles Times, 6 July 1999.

67Alexander Cockburn, �We�re Reaping the Tragic Legacy from Drugs�,� Los Angeles Times, 6 July 1999.

68Jason Gertzen, "Inquiry planned in Wilson case," Anderson Independent-Mail, 6 Oct., 1988; Lee Richards, "Prescription for Murder, Psychiatric Drugs Create Killers," Freedom, Nov./Dec. 1988; "Second Murder Charge Filed," UPI Wire, 29 Aug., 1988

69Nora Zamichow, "The Fractured Life of Jeremy," Los Angeles Times Special Reports,, 19 July, 1998.

70Asahi newspaper, Tokyo, 13 June 2001.

71Anna Maria Daderman, "Flunitrazepam and violence-psychiatric and legal issues," Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Occupational Therapy and Elderly Care, Research Division of Forensic Psychiatry, Karolinska Institute, Sweden, 2000, p. 43.

72Alexander Cockburn, "We're Reaping the Tragic Legacy from Drugs…," Los Angeles Times, 6 July 1999.

73"Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2000," p.59.

74Kelly O'Meara, "Guns and Doses," Insight, 28 June, 1999

75Kelly O'Meara, "Guns and Doses," Insight, 28 June, 1999

76Arianna Huffington, "Kip Kinkel's case puts the spotlight on kids and Prozac," The Sacramento Bee, 19 June, 1998.

77Lance Morrow, "The Case for Rage and Retribution," TIME, 11 Sept. 2001.

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