THE MANUFACTURE OF MINDLESS MURDERERS - continued The Rise of Domestic Terrorism "While political terrorism has been capturing widespread attention for some time, almost nothing has been made public of how doctors today use their knowledge and skills in its support.
Nothing I had researched before could have prepared me for the dark reality of doctors who set out to deliberately destroy minds and bodies they were trained to heal." Gordon Thomas, Veteran Foreign Affairs Correspondent Author Journey into Madness, 1989 | In the United States, gratuitous violence has increasingly terrorized the community over the last decade. Prior psychiatric treatment and influence are found in each case. THE UNABOMBER: Theodore Kaczynski mailed or delivered 16 package bombs to scientists, academicians, and others over 17 years, killing three people and injuring 23. Between 1959 and 1962, Kaczynski had been the subject of a disturbing mind control experiment conducted by Harvard psychologists. The experiment aimed at measuring how people reacted under stress. According to Kaczynski, the intensive interrogation he was subjected to was "vehement, sweeping and personally abusive" and attacked his ego and most cherished ideals and beliefs. Following this, he started to have ideas about the "evils of society," and developed ideas about "anti-technology ideology of revolution."27 While there may not be evidence of him being a member of known terrorist groups, his own manifesto attacked national identity and stated, "Democracy is an illusion."28 His bizarre and anti-social ideas, included, "The system does not and cannot exist to satisfy human needs. Instead, it is human behavior that has to be modified to fit the needs of the system." And, "Our goal is only to destroy the existing form of society."29 JOHN HINKLEY: On March 30, 1981, John Hinkley gunned down President Reagan, seriously wounding him, as well as a Secret Service agent, a Washington, D.C., police officer and President Regan's press secretary, James Brady. U.S. intelligence agencies questioned whether Hinkley had been guided by Libyan or Soviet interests.30 Hinkley had been in psychiatric hands before the crime and had been taking a well-known tranquilizer. Two hours prior to shooting the president, Hinkley took four of these tablets, which court papers later said had induced the rage.31 BENJAMIN SMITH went on a shooting rampage against Jews, Blacks and Asians in Illinois and Indiana over the July 4th weekend of 1999.32 He killed two and wounded several others, before killing himself. Smith, a "white supremist," had spent a year in drug counseling three years before the crime.33 BUFORD FURROW: The fascist gunman who attacked a Jewish community center in Los Angeles in August 1999, and later murdered an Asian-American postal worker, was associated with a known racist terrorist group and an Aryan hate group.34 A year earlier, Furrow had been in two psychiatric hospitals, one for a month of treatment. After pulling a knife on a nurse at one of the facilities, he was taken into custody by police.35 RICHARD BAUMHAMMERS: On April 28, 2000, Baumhammers sought out and shot six non-white people in broad daylight, killing five and paralyzing another. This included two Indians, two Asians, an African American and a Jewish woman who lived next door to his parents in Pittsburgh. He had frequented white supremist websites, once tried to form a Free Market political party opposing non-white, non European immigration and chose his victims accordingly. Baumhammers wanted to become as renown as the Oklahoma bomber and Hitler. Prior to the killing spree, he had seen 12 psychologists and psychiatrists and taken up to 17 different psychiatric drugs.36 OKLAHOMA BOMBER: "The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was, at that time, the greatest act of terrorist violence ever committed in the United States. In his book, Others Unknown, Stephen Jones, chief defense counsel in U.S. v. McVeigh stated,37 "I believe it came about because of foreign involvement," he said. "The real story of the bombing
stretches weblike, from America's heartland to the nation's capital, the Far East, Europe, and the Middle East, and much remains a mystery."38 McVeigh was allegedly a member of a Neo-Nazi group. Meanwhile, according to David Hoffman in The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror, McVeigh had been a sergeant in the army and had done courses in Psy-Ops* (Psychological Operations) at Fort Riley. It was after leaving the army, that McVeigh began expressing anti-government sentiments. *Note: Psychological Operations (Psy-Ops) is the study of psychology for military purposes with the primary purpose "to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the originator's objectives." Psy-Ops can be used to "influence the emotions, motives, objective reasoning, or behavior of a targeted public."39 Next: INCOMPETENCE COMES TO OUR DEFENSE  |